Language lovers who want to practice and make new friends, meet up at Mystic MYSTIC STATION EATERY & BAR, 139 PLEASANT ST , MALDEN, MA 02148 on Thursday, August 25th at 6:30pm. PARTICIPATION FEES? To attend our event, you need to pay: 1) a small entrance fee of $2 to support the Polyglot Club association. Please, bring some change. This helps cover expenses ( website, ads, posters, meetup fees…) and, most of all, keep the Polyglot Club organizers and hosts motivated. More information 2) One Drink to support the bar hosting us. WHAT? Whatever your language level or your nationality, practice different languages while you make new friends and discover new cultures. Learn English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.…If you are an expat, an exchange student, a globe or business traveler, a real polyglot, or simply curious to discover new cultures… then, you will be at the right place! At the entrance of the bar, we will give you a name tag with your first name and the languages you know (that you want to learn or that you can teach).Then, simply start a spontaneous conversation with the first person you meet who shares one of the languages listed on your tag. Do not be afraid to speak as naturally as possible: all participants are very welcoming and will be very forgiving if you make mistakes. There is only one rule (below) that must be respected to make the concept effective: “Polyglot Club encourages you NOT to speak your mother tongue with another member who shares the same mother tongue. “Example: Do not speak French with another French speaker if you are French.